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Venture 24 Course: Everything You Need to Prepare Your Startup for our Investors

In the dynamic landscape of the tech industry, a groundbreaking app idea alone is not enough to secure success—it requires an equally compelling proof of concept and pitch to captivate potential investors. This course is designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators with the skills needed to shape their idea and prepare their pitch to secure crucial funding. All participant who complete the course will be eligible for our team to pitch your startup to our investors to secure funding on your behalf.




Complete our online course and we will pitch your app idea for you to our investor group and secure
funding for your startup.
No pitching required.


Everything you need to prepare your startup to pitch and secure funding fast.

  • Lesson 1: App Business
    Now that you have an app idea it's time to take the next steps to turn it into a business.


  • Lesson 2: Shape Your Idea
    There are many moving pieces to starting your mobile app.  One of the most important steps is taking the time to shape your app idea.  In this section you will learn the how to plan your app idea for success.


  • Lesson 3: Blueprinting Your App
    Once your app idea has taken shape in its initial planning, it is time to blueprint your app idea to structure the foundation on which you app idea will be built on.


  • Lesson 4: Technical Narrative
    Once the blueprint is completed it is time to write the technical narrative to explain in detail how the app will work.  In this lesson you will learn how to write your own technical narrative that will serve as the guiding document for your startup.


  • Lesson 5: Prototype Power
    The prototype is the most important element to developing and launching your mobile app.  When raising private capital to build your app investors will want to see what your app does.  Pitch decks and business plans are not enough.  A prototype will build confidence in your investor in your idea.

    In this lesson you will be given the exact steps to prepare your prototype for our team to pitch.

  • Lesson 6: Required - App Website
    Having an app idea is great but if no one knows it exists creates a real problem.  Having a website for future users to visit and learn about your app's key features and benefits is key. In addition, a website for your app gives you control of your list and collecting pre-sign ups which you can incentivize in the future to download your app.

    In this lesson you will be given instructions and tools used to complete this step even if you have no technical experience.


  • Lesson 7: Revenue Modeling
    Having multiple revenue models for your app idea is crucial to its success.  You will need to create multiple streams of revenue for your app that work together while improving the user's experience within your app.


  • Lesson 8: Moving Into App Development
    Getting your app to the development stage is no easy task.  You should congratulate yourself!  Now it's time to put all of your planning to work. Selecting the right developer for your project will make all the difference.  In this section you will learn how to phase app development and getting your app in the app stores.


  • Lesson 9: Marketing Your App
    Marketing your mobile app is most important during development and post launch.  In this section you will learn strategies you can apply to continue to grow your mobile apps user-base during development, launch, and beyond!

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